You’re in Charge of Your Life

What if you knew you had more control over your life than you think you do now? Wouldn’t that feel great?

If you knew you could have the kind of life you’ll love. If you knew you could make choices that make a difference. That you could really get what you want in life.

That you could truly live the life you want to live.

The life you truly want is available to you, if you want to have it. But you’ll need to take the leap into a belief – in yourself.

This may sound woo-woo, and it probably is, but the key to living a life of your dreams is within you now. In your brain. The way we think and what we think about is totally within our control, if we’re willing to look at our brains, see how they work, and learn how to think on purpose.

That’s what a coach can do for you. Help you see your own brain, uncover your unconscious thoughts that are holding you back, and help you find new thoughts to think – on purpose – consciously.

That’s what I can help you do. Let me coach you.

Do you know what you want in life? Oprah has said that many people, maybe most people, don’t even know what they want.

It’s impossible to get what you want if you don’t even know what it is.

But there are a ton of reasons why we don’t know – or don’t let ourselves know – what we want in life. None of them are surprising.

We’re not taught how to think about possibilities.

We’re taught to think about the possibilities that society or our family tells us is possible for us.

We may have tried to get something we want in the past, failed at getting it, and then beat ourselves up for not getting it – and then gave up and didn’t even try again. Didn’t even let ourselves want again.

We grow up and we think we get put into a box, maybe by society, or by the circumstances of our birth, or by the type of job we take. And we think there’s no way to get out of that box.

“I’m a stay-at-home mom, that’s all I can be” or “I’m lower middle class and that’s all I’ll ever be.”

Look, society does play a role. So do our parents or caregivers, teachers, and our peers.

We may grow up being told things like you’ll never amount to much, people from our neighborhood never make it to the big time, money doesn’t grow on trees, or even some version of – good girls don’t do that, or even boys will be boys.

And that stuff gets into our brains and even if it doesn’t feel very good, we can learn to believe it, and end up in a box we can break out of.

If good girls don’t speak their mind, then it’s only a bad girl who stands up for herself in a meeting, or at a performance review, right? And if you believe you’re a bad girl if you do that, then you’re probably not going to.

But what if you could break out of the box? I’m not talking about going off the grid or breaking laws or going to extremes. But what if you could just peek outside the corners of the box – just see what’s out there?

Maybe there’s a whole lot of possibilities out there and you might want to see what they are.

Here’s the thing: you can always go right back in the box. I’m not going to make you break out.

Because you’re ultimately in charge.


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